“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.”
Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Sound of Silence

I have an odd sound in my house and as I was finishing loading the dishwasher, I found myself doing something, something that doesn't happen, at least not in the middle of the day. What was it you ask? Finishing an entire thought in my head. That's right folks…this little lady was able to start a thought and finish thinking the entire thought through to the end. Why, do you ask, can you not do this on a regular basis? Interuptions…don't get me wrong, they are lovely little interruptions. Tugs on my pant leg to ask for a glass of milk or an apple. A hug around the leg asking me if she is the prettiest pink princess in all the land. Maybe someone is missing a shoe, or wants to know what time bball practice starts, or where her book is or if she can play with so and so. But none less, sometimes, the wonderful conversation that I was having with myself inside my head gets interrupted and usually is unable to finish or come to a conclusion. So why is today different? Aurianna is at a friends house planning the (quotations here-remember keyboard is busted) BEST SLEEPOVER EVER! Trey and Livia are at another friends house and the two little ones each fell asleep on either side of me during a very exciting cowgirl bubble guppies episode (well at least I thought it was exciting…probably because it is one of the only bubble guppies episodes that I haven't seen yet…them not so much since they did fall asleep after all!).  Pure silence…WOW! That silence led me to a thought about my last blog post. All of the sudden I remembered something that I had written about Tad being home all week and that in parenthesis I put AHHHH! All of the sudden I realized that when I typed that AHHHHH it was meant to sound like loud hallelujah cheering from the roof top that my husband was home all week and part of this week with no interruptions…completely 100% mine (and my kiddos!)! And I began to wonder if someone out there may have read my AHHHH as YIKERS, I have to spend a whole week with my husband home. So I thought I would post now about that Ahhhh (and a little about wonderful interruptions I guess)! There are many things that changed when we moved to Ohio. Although, we have lived here long enough now that I can't remember all of them. But one of the  changes that I still every once in a while miss is the fact that my cute hubby has to go to work every day. He has always been a very hard worker, we wouldn't be in Ohio if he wasn't, but when we were in Utah he worked from home. Yes, he did travel, and those weeks were very hard and we missed him  like crazy, but when he was home he was just upstairs! I never had to call to ask a question or see how his day was. His lunch break was spent with us and his commute time was AWESOME!!! So, as much as I love the fact that he doesn't have to travel anymore, sometimes I miss seeing his cute mug around the house in the middle of the day!
That brings me to this marvelous week and a half! Oh how sweet it has been. All of my family home everyday at the same time. No practices or games or activities, no work or meetings or early morning appointments! The girls came down with ear infections and pink eye, but we just stayed home and snuggled like crazy! We have played games, built forts, played dress up, watched movies, taken naps, colored, finished projects, read books, tickled, called family, made cakes, watched the ball drop, stayed up late, gotten totally off schedule and loved every single second of it! I tend to get a little anxious thinking that I need to plan a ton of activities/outings/projects when everyone is home, and I will admit that it took me a good day to come to terms with the idea of all of just staying at home during the holiday, but as I look back at our time together it really has been a glorious week filled with memories that will last forever! My kids (and Tad) keep laughing at me as I randomly walk up to them and hug them, but I know that in just a few days they are all going to be back to running a million miles an hour.      I am sensing just a few more minutes of silence, so I better wrap it up!   I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years Eve!


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