“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.”
Dr. Seuss

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Ainslee

I would like to introduce you to our sweet new addition...
Ainslee Raquel Thornton!!!

She was born on Saturday, February 6th at 5:01 pm! She weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long!

She is spoiled rotten by her older sisters and brother. They never want to put her down (and when they do, mom and dad are there to finish off the spoiling!!!) She is such a good little baby! She is finding her little voice more and more, but it is just a little whine to let us know that she needs something and then she is satisfied!!! So here come the pictures!!!

Yes Tad is scruffy and I look exhausted...I was being induced on the 10th which was still a week and a half early from my due date, so we were not planning on this little girl to come so early! I went into labor at 1:45 in the am and by 3am we were packing (it was Saturday, I was going to pack, really I was!). My labors are always quick, quick, quick...I am so not used to 15 hour labors or major contractions. When I walked into Jordan Valley Hospital at 1:30pm (at 6 am my contractions stopped, Aurianna had a BBall game, so we went to that, my contractions came back full force the second I walked in the door!)after a two hour drive with 6 minutes in between my contractions, I was almost an 8! I am surprised that Tad is still alive to tell the tale. It was an adventure that I never want to repeat again!!!


Meeting the new baby sister!!!

This is today...two weeks old! The other day she was 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 in long! Yes, the chubby cheeks didn't take long to show up!

I have a ton of other things to blog about...Trey's 4th bday and valentines...I will eventually get around to it...one day! But for now we are all just loving up every minute that we get to spend with our baby Ainslee! Keep up all of your blogs though...I can look at all of your blogs with just one hand! No typing required!!! Thanks for keeping me entertained and awake at three am!